Saw the new Star Trek movie and LOVED IT! Geek Mom’s review

Star Trek Spock and Kirk

I don’t get out much, but Hubby and I are celebrating 13 years of marriage today, and we went out to dinner and a movie on Saturday night. The kids asked “What’s a date and why can’t we come?” I explained that we were celebrating the anniversary of our wedding, which happened before any of the three kids were here, and we wanted to remember what it was like without them! LOL

I’m not really a Trekkie. I saw one of the earlier Star Trek movies when I was a kid. It was on an airplane, so I didn’t have a choice, and it was the one with that nasty bug that went into the guy’s ear. Well, it made me sleep with my pillow wrapped around my head to prevent any such bugs from getting in at night, and perhaps turned me off of Star Trek for a while.

We were really planning on seeing Night at the Museum, but we missed it, so Star Trek was Plan B. I’m so glad we saw it, because it was AWESOME!

First of all, I’m kind of a J.J. Abrams fan. I loved ALIAS and some of his other television projects. Also, I love Heroes, and Zachary Quinto (a.k.a. super-villian Sylar) played young Spock. I’ve been known to enjoy a space story (crazy for Battlestar Galactica and Star Wars), and finally, I grew up in Iowa, so I have that in common with James Tiberius Kirk. I figured I’d probably like the movie. I was surprised by how immensely entertaining it was for me! Here’s the trailer: (more after the video clip…)

Without getting into lots of detail about the story, let me highlight a few things that made it so much fun. There were plenty of amazing special effects, including black holes and big explosions. I love it when you see an explosion and then hear and feel it a moment later as the shock wave blasts through the theater. There was lots of humor to keep it moving along happily, a little romance, some old-fashioned hand-to-hand combat, and enough of the well-known Star Trek character bits and trademark lines to appeal to even the casual Trek fan.

Since I’m not a Trek scholar, I can’t address how this film fits into the existing Star Trek canon. But as a geek who enjoys quite a bit of space and sci-fi stuff, I give it two thumbs up! Even at $10 per ticket, plus another $20 for a popcorn and two sodas (outrageous!!) it was worth it to see it in a real theater with a huge screen and monster speakers.

So if you’re looking for a fun, fast, fantastic flick, I recommend Star Trek! Bonus: Watch for appearances by a well-disguised Winona Ryder, the icy planet Hoth, either Harold or Kumar, and a Rambaldi sphere. I’ll be impressed if you find them all. 🙂

photo from the official Star Trek movie site (which is really a cool site)

6 thoughts on “Saw the new Star Trek movie and LOVED IT! Geek Mom’s review

  1. The bug thing could turn anyone off Star Trek. Poor Pavel. I’ve always closed my eyes. And I’ve seen Wrath of Khan, oh, 500 – 600 times.

    As a second generation Trekkie, I adored the new movie. It was modern and action based, yet still Trek at the core. I was worried sick with a Star Wars person in control especially when I read Abrams didn’t know Spock was half human until he signed onto the project. Of all the things they could have messed up, if they’d messed up Spock, it would have been a deal breaker for me.

    Tina Kubala´s last blog post..Not a Real Triceratops


  2. that bug in the ear scarred me a bit, too. But I have to admit that I do love Star Trek. We used to watch the original regularly when we were kids. Me and the husband watched Next Generation and Deep Space Nine, too. I guess we are geekier than we thought we were, huh?

    Janet´s last blog post..Breaking the Bad News


  3. My hubby and I went this past weekend also. This gives me a perfect record, I’ve seen every Star Trek movie in the theatre within its first two weeks of release — saw the original movie on its first night — AND every episode of every Star Trek TV series, even though I had to have a friend on the other side of the country tape Voyager for me and ship it by snail mail. Maybe that makes me an uber-geek. Any way — about the bug, did you notice that they had the same bug in this movie, but they made Pike swallow it instead of putting it in his ear.

    sue´s last blog post..One Single Impression — Denouement


  4. @Tina: 500-600 times? whoa!!
    @Janet: Glad you’re discovering your true nature. 🙂
    @Sue: I thought it looked like the same bug, but I figured it was different since they put it in his mouth. Didn’t know it could work either way. 🙂


  5. Ugh, the bug in the ear from Star Trek II and the flying needle from Dune (I think) I definitely remember disturbing my sleep as a wee one, heh!

    I also loved the new Trek movie. I’m sure there’s plenty that can be picked at, but I thought they did a great job updating all the original series characters for a new generation of viewers: I’m really looking forward to the sequels!

    Erin´s last blog post..Crossposting Excerpts to LiveJournal


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